Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Party That Finally Happened!

You know it is really tough trying to coordinate things just right so your children can have the best parties ever. This year Jason's has been one of the more difficult ones to finally get going. The story - This year Jason and Julia are part of the swim team for our pool. Their swim meets are on Tuesday nights. Well this worked perfect since Jason's birthday was on Wed. the 27th. So we decided to invite a bunch of kids from his class and a few of his swim team buddies. All was good as you can see in these first pictures. Jason and his buddy Jack finished 1st and second in the main event heat, see pictures below.

Well just after that the skies became dark and the thunder started rolling. Every time the thunder struck that added another 30 minutes till they could get back in the pool. Finally they postponed the meet and and we would pick up the next day...Ughhh. Kind of hard to have a pool party when the pool is closed for a swim meet. So after umpteen amount of calls we pushed the party back to Thursday! All was good and we went on to beat the team we swam for last year by about 200 points.

So Thursday comes around and the piƱata has been filled and the pizzas are ordered. I just need to pick them up and get the cake. 4:30 rolls around and Rebecca calls to inform that a toddler has crapped in the pool and it will be shut down for the rest of the day.....ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?????? Well it was too late to call anyone to change anything, again, so we just went on with the show. The kids got to play in the baby pool, and we played a few games and smacked the crap out of Sponge Bob. The kids were a little upset but once they were eating and playing they seemed not to care. So the party finally happened. Check out a few more picks of the ladies man (12 girls and 3 boys invited to the party). We are looking forward to the 4th, the kids love the fireworks.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Intro - First Post

Well this is my first attempt at "Blogging". I am going to pre-face all posts here by saying my grammar isn't the best and my spelling is hopefully caught by spell checker. I tend to write how I talk, and I live in the south so if ya want to add a drawl to your reading you may understand it better.

I hope you enjoy reading our updates and feel free to comment as I figure this whole thing out. Thanks for visiting!