Thursday, July 26, 2007

Catching Up!

It has been two weeks since I last wrote and a bunch has happened. We all made it through “hell week” and more. It wasn’t really that bad, but it seemed everything was happening all at once in the week from 13th-21st.

It started off on Friday the 13th and a great friend of mine’s Bachelor party. I got to see a bunch of college buddies I haven’t seen in awhile. We do what we always do when we get together…have a few drinks and reminisce about the good times we had in college. Some of my friends have such a vivid memory of things in the past it is great listening to them tell the stories and jog my memory.

The next day was Steve and Nicole’s Pre-wedding reception in the mighty metropolis of Roxboro, NC. It was a great party with lots of food. The kids had a good time meeting some of my friend’s children for the first time.

The next couple days were just work and keeping the house up for people to come and see. Tuesday night was the kids final swim meet. We got through the first couple of events and then the sky came a fallen. Probably the worst set of thunderstorms we have had this year. Everyone rushed out to the cars to wait it out, nobody wanted to cancel the meet since it was the last. It finally blew over and we got another event in just before another wave came through.

Wednesday was probably one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had. I, as many of you may already know, have a serious snoring issue. So I was scheduled for a sleep study at Sleep Med. It was a nice atmosphere, but once they hooked me up to all those sensors I felt like I was in the twilight zone. I tried to look at my reflection in my glasses before I laid down. I looked like something out of a science fiction movie. I had eight sensors on my head, two in my nose, one on my neck, two on my chest, and two on my legs. Each had a wire that strung back to a base that sat next to me on the bed. They expected my to sleep with all this. Don’t know the results yet, but the nurse tech made reference to me coming back again. He thought it was a good chance I had a moderate case of sleep apnea.

Next we were off to swim team banquet night. Each and every child was recognized, even Penelope as a mini-marlin (pre-swim team). It was a really nice catered banquet with an awesome slid show at the end of all the events for the year.

Two more birthday parties and 10 showings of the house later and the week was finally coming to an end. But wait we have an offer on our house! YEAH!!!! After a few counter offers back and forth we settled on a price and are going to close on Aug 20th. Uh oh, that means we need to find a place to live.

It took a little less than a week, but we have found our next house. See picture below. We will close on the 24th. Kids will still go to the same school just a little bit longer drive. Appears to be a great neighborhood with community pool, clubhouse, tennis courts, and playgrounds. Not too far from many shopping areas and things to do. I can’t wait to start moving all that furniture!

This turned out to be a longer post than I had planned, just trying to catch up and not get too far behind.

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